Blue Ridge Holistic Nurses Chapter

Blue Ridge Holistic Nurses' Chapter Meeting, Saturday, May 16th, from 10-12, via a Zoom meeting.

Posted over 4 years ago by Linda Thomas

We will be meeting at the usual time on Saturday, May 16th, from 10-12, but the meeting will be via a Zoom meeting. Listed below is the information that you will need to join the meeting. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, all you must do is click on the link below. 

Join Zoom Meeting:

and it will take you to a page that will ask you to download the Zoom app. Once you have done this, it will ask you if you want to join the meeting. Click yes to join, and if it asks for a Meeting ID, type in 874 8697 8781, and if it asks for a password, insert the Password 573253. The site may ask for the above information, or it might take you directly to your meeting. Either way, you should be able to sign on without any problems. 

You can also call in on your phone if you do not have a computer with you. The number to use to call in is 1-929-205-6099. It will prompt you to put in your Meeting ID number: 874 8697 8781. 

We are privileged to have join us on our Zoom meeting call one of our National AHNA Board members Roxane Raffin Chan, Ph.D., RN, AHN-BC. She is a holistic nurse consultant with her company, Chan Body Energy. Roxane received her Ph.D. in community health promotion from the University of Michigan, where she conducted an NIH funded study on the use of mindfulness practices in persons with chronic disease. She is a certified teacher of Mindfulness Self-Compassion through the University of California Center of Mindfulness and a Board Certified Advanced Holistic Nurse. Roxane is a member of the board of directors for the American Holistic Nursing Association.

Roxane is going to speak to us on Connecting with our Holistic Nursing Tribe to further our Practice. During this interactive session, she will explore with us information about on-going holistic groups that support different aspects of holistic nursing practice, knowledge, and expertise. We will also learn how to participate in the professional development of holistic nursing as a practice and how to help create a more holistic and compassionate health care system in the United States.

She will talk about how the five core values of holistic nursing support our Practice, as well as about the holistic nurses' entrepreneurs group, the Compassionate Caravan campaign, beyond the national conference: AHNA educational opportunities, and finally on Service – How to thrive in the tribe

I hope you will be able to join us for this fantastic opportunity to learn more about what is available to you as a holistic nurse directly from our national AHNA Board member Roxane. Please share this information about our meeting with everyone who might be interested in learning more about holistic nursing.  

If you have any problems with getting on the Zoom meeting, you can either email me or call me at 910-797-7942. I am looking forward to seeing or hearing from everyone on Saturday, May 16th. Until then, stay safe and pray for our world and all the mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day.

 Linda Thomas