Blue Ridge Holistic Nurses Chapter

August 10th Blue Ridge Holistic Nurses Chapter Meeting

Posted about 5 years ago by Linda Thomas

The Blue Ridge Holistic Nurses Chapter of AHNA will be meeting on August 10th at Earth Fare on Hendersonville Road, Asheville, NC. We will be in the Community Room in the back left of the building. The meeting will start at 10 am and our guest speaker this time will be Winn Sams a Chiropractor who practices in Columbus, NC and she will be talking on using a holistic approach to healthcare and the need to advocate for holistic modalities to be recognized by different levels of government and eventually insurance companies' reimbursement.

Here is the agenda

10-10:30                      Welcome, Opening Meditation & Group sharing

10:30-11:30                 Winn Sams will talk with us on a holistic approach to healthcare and the need to advocate for holistic modalities to be recognized by different levels of government and finally will discuss about getting insurance companies to reimburse.

11:30-1200                  Networking and closing

We welcome anyone who is interested in holistic nursing and its future in the healthcare arena. We look forward to seeing you there.